viernes, abril 29, 2005


have you ever had that experience where you think you have given 110% and still isn't enough? well, it happens to me today. since i got the assigment on working with the companies that provides the goods for where i work i have being dealing with 2 different companies, but since this was the first week i work with both companies i messed up REALLY BAD, eventhough i tried my best on not to. well, i guess it comes with experience...and i even spend one whole week dealing with this issue. i do learn a new experince and now well, points for my resume. don't you think? ☺

alguna vez han tenido la experiencia donde dan el 110% y aun no es suficiente? bueno, a mi me paso hoy. desde que se me asigno la tarea de trabajar con dos companias proveedoras aqui donde yo trabajo, pero como fue la primer semana que trabaje con las dos companias METI LA PATA, aunque trate de no hacerlo. bueno, creo que todo se adquiere con experiencia...aunque me gaste una semana completa lideando con este asunto. aprendi algo nuevo de esta experiencia y bueno, puntos para mi curriculum. no lo creen? ☺